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6 Ways to Overcome WhatsApp Web Error, Most Effective!


WhatsApp Web is one of the features that many users take advantage of, to communicate while working. Therefore you should know how to fix WhatsApp Web if suddenly the application experiences errors or crashes.

When using WhatsApp Web, we occasionally have difficulty accessing the application. For example, you can’t connect WhatsApp on your cellphone to your PC, or you can’t send messages via WhatsApp Web.

Two symptoms that are one of the disturbances that often occur on the Web. Disturbances or errors on WhatsApp Web can certainly disrupt activities, especially those related to communication.

Moreover, WhatsApp Web is often used while working because it allows us to open WhatsApp on a laptop or PC.

However, when WhatsApp Web error or interruption do not panic. There are several ways that can be done to overcome or fix interruptions on WhatsApp Web.


6 Ways to Overcome WhatsApp Web Error

There are at least 6 ways you can do it when the WhatsApp Web error. You can try these three methods one by one, until finally the Meta application can function normally. Here’s the full how-to:

1. Make sure the WhatsApp Server isn’t down

First, first make sure the condition of the WhatsApp application server, to find out whether the application is experiencing down or not. You do this by opening the site, which often reports incidents when an application is interrupted or down. site view

Please see if in Down Detector, there is a report that WhatsApp is down or still working normally. When WhatsApp is down, it means that it is causing you difficulty accessing the Web.

2. Check Compatibility Browser Web

The next way to fix the WhatsApp error is to check the application browser web that you use. Keep in mind that WhatsApp Web can be accessed on Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge Browser and several applications browser web latest.


So it can be said, that the Web cannot be accessed when using an application 0 old school Therefore, check for compatibility browser web You, because it could be the cause of interference with WhatsApp coming from the web browser on your PC or laptop.

3. Check for Web Browser Updates on your Laptop and PC

Another solution that you can do is update or update browser web. Usually search applications such as Google Chrome, Edge, and Opera often present the latest updates, which must be updated by the user.

How to update the browser is not too difficult. For example, if you use Microsoft Edge, you can do the following:

  • Open the Edge app and select it Settings.
  • Next click About Microsoft Edge and click update to update it. However, if you have already done an update, there will be a notification if this application has been updated or not.

Overcoming WhatsApp Web Errors

4. clean up Cache and Cookie from Browser Web

Sometimes, cache and cookie too many of them can cause WhatsApp Web to not work. You must clear browser cache and cookies to use WhatsApp web.

How to clear cache and cookies in web browsers such as Google Chrome, can be done in the following way.

  • Open Google Chrome and select it Settings.
  • Click Advanced Options, next scroll down the screen and select it Clear Browsing Data to clear cache and cookies.
  • When finished, please connect WhatsApp on your cellphone to WhatsApp Web, and the application will function normally.

5. Update WhatsApp Application on Smartphones

The next way to deal with the WhatsApp error is update WhatsApp application on smartphones. The condition of the application that has not been updated can be the reason why the Web cannot function normally.

Then the solution is to update the WhatsApp application on your Android or iPhone cellphone. The method is not too difficult, and here is complete information:

  • Open Google Play Store or App Store
  • WhatsApp and press the button Update in the bottom right of the application.

6. Check the Internet Network Conditions

The last way is to check the condition of the internet network connected to your smartphone and laptop. It could be the culprit why the WhatsApp Web error is because the internet network is not working normally, or is down.


From now on, you don’t need to worry when an error occurs on WhatsApp Web because these several methods can be a solution to fix the problem. [NM/HBS]

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